Our specialised service provides 3 key components a clinic cannot:

  1. Accessibility – If you’re unable to drive post-operative or are too immobile to attend a clinic (such as the elderly or those with neurological conditions)
  2. Convenience – If you prefer no waiting times or traffic hassles, have children and no baby-sitter, or if your one of the many with busy schedules and limited time
  3. Guided return to sport/gym – Have you progressed with your rehabilitation and now wanting to return to the gym? – we will have our session there. Are you ready to start running with direction changes or kicking a ball? – that’s right, our session will be at the local park to guide you through these critical progressions safely

Falls Prevention: Strength, Balance and Conditioning

Falls can happen to anyone, but unfortunately as you grow older falls can become more common and you are more likely to injure yourself. In Australia, approximately 30% of adults over 65 experience one fall per year, and this figure is likely to increase as the population ages. Falls are very costly, as falls are currently the leading cause of injury-related hospitalisations in people aged 65 and over.


Falls can happen to anyone, but unfortunately as you grow older falls can become more common and you are more likely to injure yourself.

In Australia, approximately 30% of adults over 65 experience one fall per year, and this figure is likely to increase as the population ages. Falls are very costly, as falls are currently the leading cause of injury- related hospitalisations in people aged 65 and over.

The most serious and costly fall related injury is a fracture to the hip. Elderly people recover slowly from hip fractures and around one third never regain complete mobility.

The good news however is that there are a number of things you can do to prevent falls and minimize your injuries if you do fall.

The first step is to be assessed by one of our Mobile physiotherapists, who use a series of assessment tools that allow us to identify any risk factors for falling and quantify the extent of balance or mobility limitations and weaknesses to any muscles.

Following our assessment, the team here at Sydney Mobile Physio will provide a fall prevention intervention including a supervised home based strengthening and balance exercise program. Interventions may also include (where appropriate) prescription of a particular walking aid to improve safety and stability.

Reference: Australian & New Zealand Falls Prevention Society- www.ANZfallsprevention.org

Musculoskeletal Injuries

Musculoskeletal injuries involve any pain or damage to bone, muscles, ligaments or tendons and account for the majority of conditions seen in private physiotherapy clinics.

Areas of the body we treat include:

  • Shoulder
  • Elbow
  • Wrist and Hand
  • Neck, Back and Pelvis
  • Hips
  • Thigh
  • Knees
  • Calf
  • Ankle and Foot


Musculoskeletal injuries are commonly caused by an acute trauma or from overuse.

Types of injuries we treat include:

  • Fractures
  • Muscle strains/tears
  • Ligament sprains/tears
  • Tendinopathies
  • Overuse/overloaded pain associated with poor movement patterns often elsewhere in the body

In many cases acute injuries are only associated with problems at the exact site of your pain.

On the contrary, overuse conditions can often be the result of excess load placed on a structure that has been forced to take the load of another body part that is not working correctly. This is the more challenging aspect of physiotherapy and involves excellent knowledge of not only the individual body parts, but more importantly how each body segment interacts with each other.

For example: You have had a sore knee for 3 months noticed with squatting and running around with your children. On examination we find your knee caves inwards when squatting and with activities such as running, jumping and hopping and this leads to increased load on the structures in your knee – hence causing you knee pain. This act of the knee caving in is most commonly the result of a weak stabilising muscle in your buttock. Hence if we do not address this and only work on your painful knee, we are not identifying the cause of your problem and it will likely continue to be an issue for you.

Sports Injuries

It is vital to achieve the appropriate management immediately following your injury in order to promote healing, avoid further damage and promote a safe and quick return to sport.

Whether you are a weekend warrior or a competitive athlete, sporting injuries are a common occurrence.

All too often people wait until their injury is not responding with their own treatment regimes and then seek advice weeks or even months following their injury.

It is vital to achieve the appropriate management immediately following your injury in order to promote healing, avoid further damage and promote a safe and quick return to sport.

All of our staff are passionate about sports on both a personal and professional level and thoroughly enjoy treating sports injuries.

In the acute phase we assess whether your injury requires any aids such as bracing, boots or tape to help protect a joint and promote healing. In most circumstances within the first week we will commence appropriate, evidence-based manual therapy techniques to help you recover as quickly as possible. We will also advise whether imaging or referral to a specialist is required and can liaise with the medical team as required.

Our Aim Is To:

  • Prevent further tissue damage
  • Promote healing
  • Restore reduced range of motion, strength and balance associated with the injury
  • Assess for biomechanical faults that may have led to the initial injury and correct in order to prevent a recurrence
  • Assist in a safe and prompt return to sport


Post Surgical Rehabilitation

Post surgery you are always restricted from driving for a period of time.

We make life easy for you and your family by not having to rely on transportation. We come to you to provide any treatment you require which would normally be received in a clinic.


We frequently attend to post surgical intervention on the:

  • Spinal
  • Shoulder, elbow and wrist
  • Hip, knee, ankle and foot


We have a large, comfortable treatment table and provide all the necessary treatment required.

If exercise equipment is needed in your treatment, we will bring that with us.

As you progress throughout your rehabilitation if you prefer to see us at one of our clinics we can easily commence treatment there instead.


Do you suffer from headache or migrane? If you answered yes, you are one of 97% of those affected by headaches and migraines who, despite scans and other tests, still don’t know the cause.



Andrew Bell and Mitchell Delahay are trained in the skillful application of the Watson Headache Institute Approach. Under the Watson approach, Andrew and Mitchell use specific assessment and treatment techniques that has been shown in the vast majority of our patients to significantly reduce or completely resolve your headaches / migraines within 4-5 sessions.

A consultation by either Andrew or Mitchell may make a significant difference to your life and wellbeing.

The Watson Headache approach involves:

  • A series of tests applied in a systematic way that can accurately identify the upper cervical segments responsible for headaches and migraine
  • Confirms relevancy when the symptoms are reproduced and then as the examination technique is sustained, the head pain resolves
  • Use of treatment techniques with unprecedented clinical reasoning to treat and restore function to the involved segments

The Watson Headache Approach does not involve:

  • Potentially dangerous high velocity cervical manipulations / cracking




Palliative Care

Our team aims to help you live as well as possible for as long as possible with your terminal illness. We focus on you and your family needs and help you achieve the goals you desire. For some people this has been improving their ability to walk and be cared for at home.

The World Health Organization defines palliative care as: “…an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.”


Our team aims to help you live as well as possible for as long as possible with your terminal illness. We focus on you and your family needs and help you achieve the goals you desire. For some people this has been improving their ability to walk and be cared for at home.


We treat each case differently and are there to assist in whatever way we can. Some ways we have assisted include:

  • Assistance of family and carers with education and training on how to safely and comfortably transfer you from one position to another Eg bed to chair
  • Working with you to implement exercise programs to help regain some strength which could have deteriorated due to various disease processes, extended hospitalisations or medical treatment such as radiation and chemotherapy
  • Application of aids as required to assist with your mobility


From both personal and professional experiences we understand this is such a challenging time for you and your loved one’s. We are empathetic to your situation and although this can be an extremely sad time, we take great comfort in helping you and your family manage at home and enjoy some laughs along the way!!!




A key feature that is unique to being a mobile service is accessibility. Our ability to reach neurological patients who have mobility and transportation difficulties has proven to be crucial in assisting our neurological patients improve their condition and quality of life.

At the same time this eases the pressure off of family and friends and enables us to see exactly how that person is moving within their home environment.

Our advantage is the exercise program is performed in the home environment rather than in a clinic, which may be hard to replicate once you get home and therefore improves compliance and safety.

Neurological Conditions we treat include:

  • Spinal injuries
  • Post spinal surgery rehabilitation
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Motor Neuron Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Traumatic brain Injury


Our treatment is targeted to the individual (and their families when indicated) specific goals and include:

  • Pain relief
  • Gait/Mobility training including application of aids as required
  • Upper and lower limb strengthening exercises
  • Co-ordination exercises
  • Balance exercises

If you or a loved one has a neurological condition and would like to know whether we can assist please feel free to call and we can discuss your situation

Respiratory Conditions

Many people are unaware that physiotherapists treat respiratory conditions. While not every physiotherapist will continue to treat these conditions once graduated, all of our staff enjoy and take great comfort in helping people improve their respiratory status as this is vital to someone’s quality of life

The main aim in respiratory physiotherapy is two-fold:

  1. Increase lung capacity
  2. Remove excess sputum

We use a range of techniques to achieve these goals including:

  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Mobility training and a gentle exercise program as indicated
  • Percussion and vibrations techniques to loosen sputum of the chest wall
  • Techniques involving cycling through breathing and huffing/coughing
  • Postural holds to help increase lung capacity and aid in drainage of excess sputum


Common Conditions Treated Include:

  • Pneumonia
  • Emphysema
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Bronchiectasis


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