Falls Prevention: Strength, Balance and Conditioning

Falls can happen to anyone, but unfortunately as you grow older falls can become more common and you are more likely to injure yourself.

In Australia, approximately 30% of adults over 65 experience one fall per year, and this figure is likely to increase as the population ages. Falls are very costly, as falls are currently the leading cause of injury-related hospitalisations in people aged 65 and over.

The most serious and costly fall related injury is a fracture to the hip. Elderly people recover slowly from hip fractures and around one third never regain complete mobility.

The good news however is that there are a number of things you can do to prevent falls and minimise your injuries if you do fall.

The first step is to be assessed by one of our physiotherapists, who use a series of assessment tools that allow us to identify any risk factors for falling and quantify the extent of balance or mobility limitations and weaknesses to any muscles.

Following our assessment, the team here at Sydney Mobile Physio will provide a falls prevention program which includes the most appropriate strength and balance exercises that we base from our assessment. Interventions may also include (where appropriate) prescription of a particular walking aid to improve safety and stability.

Reference: Australian & New Zealand Falls Prevention Society- www.ANZfallsprevention.org

We Can Help You


We work with many elderly people, with our current eldest client 100 years of age. You are NEVER  too old to improve your strength, balance or mobility.

We take great pride in assisting our elderly clients reach their maximum potential and live in their homes for as long as possible.

Contact us today to find out more how we can help you or your loved one!!

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