Musculoskeletal Injuries

Musculoskeletal injuries involve any pain or damage to bone, muscles, ligaments or tendons and account for the majority of conditions seen in private physiotherapy clinics.

Areas of the body we treat include:

  • Shoulder
  • Elbow
  • Wrist and Hand
  • Neck, Back and Pelvis
  • Hips
  • Thigh
  • Knees
  • Calf
  • Ankle and Foot


Musculoskeletal injuries are commonly caused by an acute trauma or from overuse.

Types of injuries we treat include:

  • Fractures
  • Muscle strains/tears
  • Ligament sprains/tears
  • Tendinopathies
  • Overuse/overloaded pain associated with poor movement patterns often elsewhere in the body

In many cases acute injuries are only associated with problems at the exact site of your pain.

On the contrary, overuse conditions can often be the result of excess load placed on a structure that has been forced to take the load off another body part that is not working correctly. This is the more challenging aspect of physiotherapy and involves excellent knowledge of not only the individual body parts, but more importantly how each body segment interacts with each other.

For example: You have had a sore knee for 3 months noticed with squatting and running around with your children. On examination we find your knee caves inwards when squatting and with activities such as running, jumping and hopping and this leads to increased loads on the structures in your knee – hence causing you knee pain. This act of the knee caving in is most commonly the result of weak stabilising muscles in your buttock. Hence if we do not address this and only work on your painful knee, we are not identifying the cause of your problem and it will likely continue to be an issue for you.

We Find The Cause Of Your Pain


We settle the source of your pain


We also identify and correct the CAUSE of your pain which may be in a location where you are not experiencing any pain

This way we aim to eliminate the problem so it does not keep recurring and requiring future treatment

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